About us

*for more information on the “WP” (work packages), see Vision & Mission and or Our Governance below
Our Members
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (UASBGLD)
UASBGLD is the coordinating institution of the alliance and WP-lead of “WP1 – Project Management and Coordination” and “WP6 – Excellence in Quality”. The first study programmes of the UAS Burgenland were established in 1993 in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld, with about 100 students. The number of study programmes and students has increased over the years and today there are 26 study programmes (12 BA / 14 MA, distributed over 5 departments: Economy, IT, Social Work, Energy & Environment, Health), 49 continuing higher education programmes, 3 study preparation programmes and 2 PhD-programmes (PhDs offered by partner universities and administered by the UAS Burgenland), with about 9,000 students, 250 staff members and 600 external lecturers. Three subsidiaries are responsible for continuing education for staff, the continuing higher education programmes and all research related topics. The institution is currently conducting around 93 high-level projects in the fields of energy, environment, engineering, IT, economy, health and social sciences, including Erasmus, Interreg and Horizon 2020 (as of 2024). The UAS Burgenland has a wide range of partners in industry, economy and the non-profit sector to enable student internships, student projects, common research projects and cooperation in other fields (such as conferences and publications). Furthermore, the university sets high standards for the quality of its provision (teaching, research, administration), by having implemented quality circles on all institutional levels and a rector’s office in addition to the existing academic board and the quality management and as illustrated by the institutional process-oriented quality assurance, containing a matrix of operating figures which are monitored regularly. The result of the monitoring is part of the PDCA-cycle and transferred into different quality circles for further processing. Due to this profound and externally audited quality management system it has taken the lead in WP6 – Excellence in Quality.
HUMAK University of Applied Sciences (HUMAK)
HUMAK was established in 1998 and has about 2,400 students, alongside a significant number of Open University students. HUMAK is the biggest higher-education provider in Finland in each of its fields: youth and NGO work, sign language interpreting and cultural management. In the field of youth work, HUMAK is the biggest higher-education provider in Europe. Its involvement in the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance is primarily focused on mapping and developing an attractive continuous learning offering that meets the needs of employers, especially in the regions of the alliance (WP5). HUMAK is already a significant higher education provider within continuous learning. Due to its structure as a network UAS, offering education throughout Finland, HUMAK possesses excellent expertise in online teaching, including the application of collaborative learning in online environments. HUMAK is a frontrunner in using a wide range of digital pedagogical solutions to offer seamless study pathways for students. The alliance team consists of the Rector as well as the Development Manager, the Manager of International Affairs as well as experts from each of the fields of study at HUMAK. The team is deeply committed to the activities and goals set for the alliance, which align with HUMAK’s organisational strategy. HUMAK offers a wide range of courses in English, which are included in the Erasmus+-mobility programmes (on site, online, BIP) offered to their partner institutions. Considering its size, HUMAK carries out an extensive range of both national and international RDI projects in cooperation with its large range of educational and world of work partners. Their RDI activities aim to create opportunities to enhance the expertise of both staff members and students, and to serve development needs in their fields of study.
Riga Stradins University (RSU)
RSU was established in 1950 and has an approximate total of 10,000 students and 1,200 staff members. Its main area of responsibility in this alliance is student recruitment (WP2), from the analysis of recruitment best practices at all partner universities to the development of a collaborative recruitment strategy and the diversification of student demographics to facilitate diversity and inclusion. Besides responsibility for student recruitment, RSU will co-lead WP1 which deals with the overall management and coordination of this alliance. RSU is also committed to take an active part in all other WPs. RSU has established expertise in the area of student recruitment both nationally and internationally. Over the past few years, in spite of such challenges as the Covid-19 pandemic and a military conflict in Ukraine, the number of applications to various RSU study programmes has significantly increased. RSU is host to a large international student community from over 70 countries, constituting 28% of the overall student body at RSU. The university and its various study programmes are well-connected with industry in Latvia and Europe. These partnerships provide RSU with a solid knowledge base on the needs of the labour market and how institutions of higher education can meet these needs. To ensure a successful participation in this alliance, RSU will provide a team of diverse experts primarily in its main areas of responsibility: student recruitment, marketing, communication, project management and administration. RSU is committed to this alliance and its personnel with various areas of expertise will contribute to other WPs – research, continuous education, student management and innovation, etc.
The Pontifical University of John Paul II (UPJP2)
UPJP2 was formally founded in 1981 but its roots date back to the establishment of the Faculty of Theology in Krakow in 1397. UPJP2 has a total number of 2,300 full-time students and 370 full-time staff members. Its major educational and research areas include journalism, media and social communication, digital media, philosophy, history and cultural heritage, theology and canon law. Its involvement in the StudyEU Amber Road alliance is primarily focused on establishing the Virtual Inter-University Campus Platform (WP9) to foster internal communication among StudyEU Amber Road consortium members. Key responsibilities involve the creation of the platform, its design, development of its functionalities, coordination of its contents with other WPs and partner universities, and providing support and evaluation of the platform. The second area of responsibility is the development and coordination of Internal Open Online Meetings, keeping students and staff of all Partners up-to-date with StudyEU activities. The project team comprises a diverse group of experts, including the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Head of the Journalism and Social Communication programme, the Digital Media and Creative Design Coordinator as well as the International Cooperation Coordinator at UPJP2.
UAS Magdeburg-Stendal (UASMS)
Founded in 1991, UASMS has established itself as a leading institution, renowned for its comprehensive academic programs and driven student community. Offering approximately 50 study programmes across three departments in Magdeburg and two in Stendal, the university guarantees a very good staff-to-student ratio of 130 professors to around 3,700 students in Magdeburg and 1,800 in Stendal. UAS Magdeburg-Stendal is responsible for Teaching Excellence Advancement (WP 3) within the StudyEU Amber Road consortium. The primary objective is to establish an „Amber Teaching“ Capacity Building Centre dedicated to enhancing the quality of teaching and didactics and fostering collaboration among lecturers from participating universities. A crucial element within WP3 is to includes students as “idea providers” and as lecturers taking on teaching duties. Key initiatives include workshops on managing student diversity, digital teaching, AI integration, and student-centred learning. Leveraging its expertise in didactics and teaching quality, UAS Magdeburg-Stendal aims to cultivate sustainable communities for international and AI-based teaching practices. The project team, led by the Department of Quality Development, Didactics, and Digitization in Teaching and Learning, includes central quality representatives and experts in quality development and accreditation, which is going to be equally essential for “WP6 – Excellence in Quality”.. Supported by the university leadership and a dedicated professor for AI, the team is committed to advancing teaching excellence through international engagement, teaching awards, and university conferences.
Pan-European University Prague (PEUNI)
PEUNI was established in 2000 and has a total of about 2,400 students and 69 internal staff members. Its involvement in the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance is related to WP8: Community Impact & Alumni Engagement as a WP-lead and to WP7: Research, Development & Innovation, and WP3: Teaching Excellence Advancement as a WP-co-lead. Their main role in these activities is to initiate and strengthen collaborations between StudyEU Amber Road HEIs and external partners. The focus is on expanding and fortifying these partnerships to establish a mutually beneficial network. PEUNI will form an “Amber Community Impact” Capacity Building Centre, sharing best practices and engaging with external partners, laying the groundwork for a dynamic StudyEU Amber Road knowledge ecosystem. PEUNI will develop formats to engage students and communities with low-entry and extended actions. The project team comprises a group of experts, including the Vice-Rector for Science, Research, and Foreign Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Business, the Head of the International Office, an expert on alumni relations, and didactics and education experts.
University of Novo Mesto (UNINM)
UNINM was established in 2017, however its beginnings date back to 1998, when the first HE institution was accredited. UNINM has a total of 1,300 students and 64 staff members. Its involvement in the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance is primarily focused on effectively disseminating relevant information and insights to a wide range of audiences (WP 10), including the academic community, stakeholders in different sectors, the media, and the public, utilising student assistance thanks to UNINM’s expertise and prior experience in similar endeavours.
Key responsibilities involve formulating and executing a detailed dissemination strategy, supporting and producing vlogs, active participation in academic conferences, crafting specific communications for international academic bodies, involvement in public scientific events, creating focused communications for stakeholders, making public announcements, and interacting with media and social platforms. The project team includes the Vice-Rector for Research, the Vice-Rector for Quality, the Vice-Rector for Students, the Head of the International and Project Office, a Communications Lecturer, and a representative from the Career Centre. They possess expertise in a wide range of multidisciplinary areas, with a focus on economics, business sciences, computer science, information technology, health sciences and mechanical engineering. Through close connection and cooperation with local partners, UNINM is quick to recognise new societal challenges and identify the needs of the labour market, enabling them to regularly update their study programmes at all three levels of study and in all fields of activity.
University of Teramo (UNITE)
UNITE is the WP-lead of “WP7 – Research, Development & Innovation” and co-lead of “WP4 – Student Innovation Management”. Established in 1993 as detachment of the University Chieti-Pescara with only two study programs (Law and veterinary medicine), UNITE has progressively grown at regional, national and international level playing now a main role in the societal, economic and cultural growth framework of the region. UNITE develops research and higher education activities in two main disciplinary areas of excellence, humanities (law, politics, communication and cultural sciences, economics), and biosciences (agriculture, food, veterinary medicine, biotechnology) with over 5,500 students, 280 academics and 200 nonacademic staff members. The academic missions are developed within five departments that promote a research-based higher education offer that currently includes 22 first and second degree programmes (two international, one double degree-food science and technology), and 18 post-graduation specialization Masters. The UNITE doctoral school is made of seven PhD study programmes and is affiliated to three national PhD programmes (climate change and environment, food science, heritage science). Modern educational paths are implemented based on job market needs at regional, national and international level in close interaction with key stakeholders and the job market players, by also using innovative tools and methodologies.
Internationalisation is a priority of the UNITE Strategic Plan (2021/2024) and also included in the Erasmus Charter Higher Education, 2021-27. In the last decade UNITE has been partner or coordinator (REP-EAT) of Marie Curie-Skodovska action projects, has coordinated three Erasmus/Erasmus+ projects in the agri-food area (TN-ISEKI-Food 4; KA- ASKFOOD, Forward Looking-GEEK4Food 2023-2025) and has been partner of various Erasmus Strategic Partnership and Jean Monnet, Erasmus Capacity Building projects (TN, AR, TH, JO, GE). International networking projects led UNITE to strengthen cooperation with countries in the five continents also as member of European and international organizations (EUA, IAU, UNIMED, SDSN, etc.).
University VITEZ (VITEZ)
VITEZ is a legally registered private HEI, operating in compliance with the Laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Laws of the Canton of Middle Bosnia. Established in 2008, the university is headquartered in Travnik and currently serves a student body of approximately 500 students with 38 staff members. As a member of the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance, the University VITEZ is primarily involved in Student Innovation Management (WP4), focusing on engaging the academic community, students, and business. Key responsibilities include conducting indepth analyses of curricula and study programmes, developing joint Blended-Intensive Programs (BIPs) and trainings with Micro-Credentials. Furthermore, the university is tasked with initiating the transformation of student administration processes within the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance. The initial phase aims to transition traditional paper-based procedures to digital formats. Simultaneously, procedures for conducting alliance-specific operations digitally (excluding diplomas) will be established. In an additional step, the University VITEZ will explore and implement the integration of AI tools into student administration processes, further enhancing the effectiveness and innovation of administrative operations.

28 Associated Partners
Making the alliance complete and linking to the world of work
National, regional and local public bodies:
Ministry for Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt, Ministry of Education Canton Middle Bosnia, State Chancellery Saxony-Anhalt, KBB – Cultural Institutions Burgenland, State capital Magdeburg, Hansestadt Stendal, Municipality of Novo mesto, Municipality Travnik
Finnish Association of the Deaf, Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto
Other associations active in education and training:
Florida Educational Centre, Development and Education Centre Novo mesto, Centre of Lifelong Learning Travnik
European association:
EURASHE – European Association of Institutions in Higher Education
Youth organizations:
National Youth Council Allianssi, World Youth Alliance Poland, Centre for Youth Education Travnik
Large enterprise, foundation & agency:
Euroglas, Fondazione Tercas, Regional Development Agency Zenica
Social partners:
Economic Agency Burgenland, Employers’ and Economic Associations Saxony-Anhalt, Chamber of Commerce of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, The Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina, Confindustria Abruzzo Medio Adriatico
Associations of rectors / HEIs:
State Rectors’ Conference, Higher Education Conference Burgenland

Our Governance
Establishing and maintaining clear management structures and decision-making processes is paramount to the success of the StudyEU Amber Road alliance. A resilient framework has, therefore, been established, which serves as the guiding force for the alliance comprising nine HEIs from nine different countries and addressing all four HEI missions across the entire student lifecycle.
The multifaceted management structure comprises a strategic level and an operational level, supported by specialised Capacity Building Centres (CBCs). Our studentdriven approach is of crucial importance at all levels, ensuring that representative functions are integrated into the Executive Board, Management Board, Plenary Session, and the individual Work Packages (WPs) and CBCs.