Our Vision & Mission

The vision and mission statement of StudyEU Amber Road consists of the following elements, which are presented in a cascade in the graphic overview:
the four core values of the alliance,
the key focus on the future professionals for the European labour market (in the document, based on the subtitle of the alliance, often referred to as “future European professionals” for short),
the five associated competence areas,
the five strategic objectives and
the ten resulting work packages, clustered into three areas.
All elements of the cascade are described in detail in the following parts of this document.

Our Vision
StudyEU Amber Road is a pioneering, student-driven, and fully engaged European University that serves as a dynamic hub of a vibrant knowledge ecosystem connecting future professionals and the world of work and acts as a driver for the regional economy along the historic Amber Road.
As such, it follows a transformative empowering approach, with the “future EUropean professional” as a core focus of all activities. StudyEU Amber Road unites European citizens across all directions, encompassing both north and south as well as east and west, transcending geographic boundaries and cultivating a harmonious and flourishing future for a new generation of Europeans.
The University, in reaching its full potential, envisions itself as a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and academic excellence, deeply rooted in European values and responsive to the needs of a globally interconnected society. We aspire to be a renowned, interconnected institution in both local and international realms, adhering to the highest standards of higher education, as set forth by the Bologna Declaration, and fostering intensive collaborations across the globe, particularly within the European educational framework.
Our commitment is to blend cutting-edge teaching methodologies with personalized digital learning, underpinned by successful practices and applied research. We implement modern study programs, excel in teaching, practical knowledge, and partnership environments, aspiring to be a leading and responsible institution recognised for connecting university, business, and society. We pride ourselves on being a melting pot of cultures and disciplines, focusing on people-centric education that nurtures individual growth and fosters long-lasting connections. As a European university, we are conscious of our roots and responsibilities, driving sustainable development locally and internationally.
We pledge to contribute significantly to local, national, and global development, championing human wellbeing, environmental protection, and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Our efforts in education for sustainable development, research, and community dialogue are geared towards environmental and social sustainability, ensuring inclusivity, equality, and gender parity.
Our mission extends to enhancing the scientific, cultural, and civic landscape, locally and internationally. We are dedicated to promoting the development and dissemination of knowledge, ensuring cultural and professional growth within a collaborative, open environment. Our operations are guided by principles of participation, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and simplification, always aiming for high-quality, cost-effective outcomes.

Our Mission
StudyEU Amber Road cultivates sustainable, inclusive, heightened, responsible and enduring collaboration, dedicated to collectively addressing the economic, social, and environmental challenges along the historic Amber Road, enhancing the competitiveness of its regions, and working towards the reduction of disparities between them. The European University is dedicated to fostering an interconnected community of academic excellence, ethical integrity, and cultural diversity. It is committed to empowering students as the driving force of the alliance and “future EUropean professionals” of the regions, enabling them to comprehend and unlock their full potential while equipping them with future-oriented skills.
Through this mission, StudyEU Amber Road is dedicated to developing a transformative impact that extends beyond individual institutions, creating a legacy of innovation, cooperation, and positive change.
The alliance, rooted in the legacy of the Amber Road, seeks to draw inspiration from the historical richness of the ancient trade route. By doing so, it endeavours to deepen understanding from north to south, east to west, and vice versa, acknowledging the cultural nuances and shared heritage that have shaped the identities of the regions along the Amber Road. In this pursuit, the alliance aspires to go beyond the scope of academic collaboration, aiming to foster a strong European identity among its members and extend this sense of unity to the surrounding regions. When historically a significant circulation of goods could be experienced along the Amber Road, this European University fosters the circulation of brains, knowledge and future professionals on this ancient route. Amber Road can be a strong backbone, an amplifier of common European values and endeavours between East and West, North and South.
We are committed to:
Consider students as architects of the StudyEU Amber Road Alliance
Empower future professionals for a dynamic European labour market
Contribute to a greener, more digital, innovative and united Europe
Engage with the surrounding environment to be able to contribute to the StudyEU Amber Road knowledge ecosystem and to strongly connect with the world of work
Promote European values and identity to societies along the Amber Road from East to West and from North to South
Contribute to research and innovation within society and economy in the region
Build a centre of thought where the transformation of the surrounding society, region, economy and industry is echoed
Offer educational Excellence by covering the entire spectrum of European higher education
Our mission is to create a transformative educational experience that empowers individuals to be responsible innovators, contributing positively to an increasingly complex and interconnected world.
Our Core Values
Four core values guide the entire operation of StudyEU Amber Road:
The first value, transformative, signifies a commitment to operate in an “innovative and disruptive” manner. It challenges norms, fostering progressive thinking and pushing the boundaries of traditional education.
The alliance is furthermore characterised by being “adaptive, creative, and curious”, emphasising flexibility and responsiveness in navigating evolving educational landscapes. Moreover, there is a pronounced focus on being “future-minded” and “impact-oriented”.
This extends beyond immediate objectives, aiming to make a tangible impact on a broader scale through education, research, and innovation.
The fourth core value of StudyEU Amber Road is responsible, with a commitment to being „sustainability-focused“. This involves integrating sustainable practices into all aspects of our operations. The value extends to being social and inclusive and actively working towards creating an inclusive environment that values diversity and ensures equal opportunities.
Beyond that, StudyEU Amber Road is committed to being ethical and human-centred. In academic research, community engagement, and decisionmaking processes, StudyEU Amber Road prioritises integrity, transparency, and accountability and the well-being, development, and empowerment of individuals within the alliance.
StudyEU Amber Road is dedicated to a “past-to-future” approach, understanding and leveraging the historical significance of the Amber Road. Lastly, it is also related to a „multiperspective“ approach, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues through diverse viewpoints.
The second core value, empowering, expresses both our student-driven approach and our commitment to engaging with community: involving local and regional communities and the workplace, and creating symbiotic relationships that enrich the educational environment.
StudyEU Amber Road is also dedicated to “entrepreneurship-fostering”, instilling an entrepreneurial mindset and creating an ecosystem that encourages innovative thinking and risk-taking, and supports the practical skills development essential for the entrepreneurial endeavours of the future professionals of the European labour market.
We strongly associate “empowering” with being teamoriented, reflecting our belief in the power of collaborative efforts and the power of valuing diverse perspectives and skills.
The third core value, interconnecting, signifies firstly a deep commitment to being international. This commitment emphasises global perspectives, recognising the value of an international outlook in higher education. It extends to being intercultural, promoting intercultural understanding and celebrating cultural diversity.
StudyEU Amber Road is dedicated to a “past-to-future” approach, understanding and leveraging the historical significance of the Amber Road. Lastly, it is also related to a „multiperspective“ approach, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues through diverse viewpoints.